Bulk Crap Uninstaller 2023

Bulk Crap Uninstaller

This story shows you how to download and install the maximum release of Bulk Crap Uninstaller v5.4 for complimentary on Computer. Following the clear access hyperlink and orders below for information on installing Bulk Crap Uninstaller v5.4 on your computer.

Table of contents

  • About the programming
  • Bulk Crap Uninstaller v5.4 System Necessities
  • How to Download and install Majority Crap Exterminator v5.4
  • Required folders

About the application

Bulk Crap Uninstaller (in short BCUninstaller or BCU) is a free (as in speech and beer) bulk program uninstaller with advanced automation. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal to no user input, while requiring next to no technical knowledge.

Most applications and games, including moveable and unregistered ones, can be detected, and much more. It can also clean up leftovers, force uninstallation, easily uninstall based on prefabricated lists.

The important aspects of Bulk Crap Uninstaller are:

  • Seek and destroy remnants after uninstallation
  • Clean Program Files files from unused or vacant groups
  • Any application can be manually removed by pasting its uninstaller ( Force uninstallation )
  • Startup supervisors
  • use evaluations
  • Huge amount of data about implementations is collected and displayed. User can browse, filter, and export anything without restriction.
  • Filtering with Regex support using common presets or entirely habit rules
  • Verification of uninstaller credentials
  • Large amount of configurability
  • You run consumer – specified commands before and after uninstalling
  • Can function on.net 4.0 or newer, or, if not available, on.net 3.5 with reduced functionality( will work on Windows 7 or new with no tweaks installed )
  • Completely modular, contexts are saved to a solitary file

Bulk Crap Uninstaller v5.4 System Necessities

  • Os: Windows Vista or newer is recommended. Bcu will already work on Xp and 2003 with reduced functionality and possibly some insects. Iterations 32bit and 64bit are both supported.
  • . Net: Recommended.net 4.0 or newer, can run on only.net 3.5 with reduced functionality.
  • Ram: Around 300mb or more of independent Computer.
  • Mainframe: Doesn’t actually matter.
  • Independent space: 50mb or more.
  • Hdd: Anything will work, but slower inspires may create test years quite a bit longer.

How to Download and install Majority Bullshit Uninstaller v5.4

  1. Click on the download switch( south ) below and start downloading the required documents. This does take from a few minutes to a few years, depending on your download frequency.
  2. Harvest the downloaded folders. If you don’t know how to harvest, visit this post. Qwerty will always be the password to extract.
  3. Operate Setup. install the software with files.}